
0 – Mount Kelud eruption that occurred on Thursday (13/02/2014) evening at around 22.50 PM cause the rain of volcanic ash in the various regions.
In fact, the thickness of volcanic ash has reached several centimeters in certain cities of Yogyakarta, Kebumen, Semarang, Purwokerto, Surabaya, Banyuwangi, to Tasikmalaya and Bandung.
Before cleaning volcanic ash, there are several things to consider. Don’t carelessly, because volcanic ash may contain elements that are harmful to the body and the environment.

lemari asam harga .adv - According to lung medical experts of RSUP Persahabatan Jakarta, Agus Dwi Santoso, volcanic ash is likely to contain acid which affects heavier because it is more damaging to the respiratory tract.
It is the same with volcanic ash containing various harmful gases such as CO, H2S, SO2, or crystals containing components such as silica.

Here is a guide to clean up volcanic ash in various places around your house. Guide based on information obtained from the International Volcanic Health Hazard Network (IVHHN).

Things to do in cleaning volcanic ash outdoors:
  1. Plan a day of community service to clean up the ash with neighbors or your community. Remember, coordination should be conducted.
  2. Try to coordinate with certain institution on how to dispose of volcanic ash.
  3. Always wear a dust mask. If there is, wear a mask that has been recommended by IVHHN. Wear a mask size of N95 to N100 to avoid entry of dust-sized or less than 10 microns.
  4. Wear goggles to protect eyes from volcanic ash. Don’t wear contact lenses.
  5. Dampen the ashes in advance with splashing water before taking it with a shovel. However, do not add too much water.
  6. Don’t sweep the ash that is dry. Swept ash can be mixed with air that can be harmful if inhaled.
  7. Collect the ashes in a plastic bag that is strong enough. If there is a container truck, collect directly to the truck.
  8. Volcanic ash makes the surface slippery. Be careful when cleaning the ash on the ladder or roof.
  9. Avoid throwing ash into the gutters, sewers, drains, or garden. Ash could clog the waterway.
  10. If ash is also found in gutters or drains, then clean it.
  11. Never mix of volcanic ash with other trash. Volcanic ash can damage garbage trucks that carry your garbage.
  12. Change clothes that have been used to clean the ash before re-entering the house.

Things to do to clean up volcanic ash in the room:
  1. Make sure the outside of the room has been completed and cleared before starting to clean the indoor.
  2. Ensure good ventilation by opening all doors and windows before starting the cleaning.
  3. Use one entrance to avoid contamination in areas that have been cleaned.
  4. Don’t forget to keep using the mask.
  5. No need to take the children and pets during the cleanup of volcanic ash. Place them in a safe place.
  6. First dampen the ashes on the floor. After that, collect in a plastic bag that is strong enough.
  7. If you want clean clothes and curtains, clean the volcanic ash with vacuum cleaner. After that, wash with regular detergent without the need to rub too hard. Rubbing will damage the fabric due to the sharp particles of volcanic ash.
  8. Clean clothes bit by bit with water. Washing clothes requires a lot of detergent.
  9. If you want to clean the surface of glass, porcelain, enamel, and acrylic surfaces, use a sponge or cloth soaked with detergent water mixture. Avoid rubbing, simply wipe with a way of greasing. Rubbing make material surface was scraped.
  10. If you want to clean the surface of polished wood, first clean the ashes with vacuum cleaner. After that, wipe with a damp cloth by way of greasing.
  11. If you want to clean the floor, first dampen the ashes and collect the ashes into a plastic bag that is strong enough. After that, mop with a clean cloth and wet.
  12. If you want to clean electronic equipment, turn off the electrical supply to the appliance. After that, clean with vacuum cleaner.
  13. Don’t use the brush floor sweeper and fan during cleaning. It can make the ash flying into the air.
  14. A few months after the cleaning, air conditioning and filter must be treated. Always clean the stove and refrigerator, especially in the airway.
  15. Wash cloth used to wash the items with running water. Do not rubbing or scrubbing.
  16. Clear the room several times a day if the weather is hot. (intisasi -

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